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Friday, June 24, 2011

Term 2 Week 9

It is finished. Here is how it came out.

Term 2 Week 8

I have put 2 coats of finish on this week, with a light sanding with wet and dry in between coats. This kept the finished job nice and smooth.

I am using this clear finish on my kitchen rack. It highlights the grain of the wood, but because it is water based, the brushes are easy to clean with water.

Term 2 Week 7

This week I sanded the whole job clean, removed all pencil marks and scratches using glass paper and a sanding cork.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Term 2 Week 6

I glued 2 pieces of 42 x 19 meranti together, this will be for my woodturning.
I then turned it as shown below, making sure the diameter would fit in my drilled holes.
This is how it looks now.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Term 2 Week 5

I have finished my drawer.
octagonal handle
I made an octagonal shaped handle (I planed the corners of a square piece) and just glued and clamped it in place.

Here is how it all looks together.
My last step is to do the turned piece.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Term 2 Week 5

I have glued the frame together and attached a small piece of 19 x 12 x 238 to the back of the frame.  This is instead of a back, I can use it to put screws through if I decide to mount it upside down on the wall (as shown below).  It will also stop the drawer sliding right through if I leave it sitting on a bench. I had to adjust the size of my drawer to only 103mm deep, this will leave it flush at the front when the drawer is fully in.

I have also made the drawer (as shown below). I just glued and clamped it so that there weren't any nails visible from the front.
Exploded drawer

Finished drawer

Term 2 Week 4

I am back online, my blog packed it in for a couple of days.
I have glued my frame together and started making the drawer.

timber for drawer
I got the timber with the dimensions as per diagram.
The timber has a slot cut on the table saw. This slot is to hold the drawer bottom.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Term 2 Week 3

I've cut all 4 through housing joints.
Next I drilled the  holes for the turned piece using a 25mm spade bit (making sure they lined up exactly)
I will next cut out the shape using the dimensions below.

work done so  far

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Term 2 Week 2

This week, I finished marking out my housing joints, then cut them out.

Tools used:
try square
tenon saw
Joints cut 

Term 2 Week 1

This term we are making a kitchen rack.  We have designed our projects and are ready to start.
My first step is is cut out my timber for my sides and shelves.
Sides      115 x 19 x 260
Shelves  115 x 12 x 250

Then I will be marking out the position of the Through Housing joints.

measurements for joints

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 9 - Getting ideas for Kitchen Rack

This week we are collecting ideas for our next project - a Kitchen Rack. It has to have at least one drawer and has to have something that has been made on the wood lathe.  We are looking at some that have been made previously, sketching up our own ideas and collecting ideas from the internet, magazines, catalogues and homeware shops.

I have had another go at an animation. This time I copied Alex's method using screen shots and imovie. This was even easier than the previous one. Whaddya reckon?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Sketch Up animation

Here is my second attempt at an animation.
This was all made in Google Sketch Up using a few features we haven't used before. They are HIDE, UNHIDE and HIDDEN GEOMETRY. 

Have a go at one yourself and post it on your Blog, for the others to see.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 8 - Sketch Up animation

Animation of a Bridle joint.
This is my first attempt at this sort of animation. It is a very simple one with only 4 frames, but I know how to do it now. Thanks to Dale in yr 10 for showing me how to do it. He is amazing at this sort of stuff.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 7 - Orthographic Drawing

I need to complete an orthographic drawing for my project report. I have drawn it in TurboCad, but have so far been unable to get the dimensions to show on the drawing.
This is what I have got so far.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 6 - finishing up

This week we finished branding the blocks with the O's and X's.
We then sanded all the blocks and the box to get them clean and looking their best.
The last thing was to put finish on them. We used Scandinavian Teak Oil because it is easy to apply (we used a rag) and there are no runs and the blocks don't stick to the box if we put them in place. If we had used a Clear Polyurethane, there would have been a mess waiting for everything to dry before we could have put it all together.

Sketch Up animation

This animation was made by Dale in yr 10, to show how their puzzle goes together.
Do you reckon you could do this?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 5 - cutting & branding blocks

This week I cut 9 blocks out of 42 x 42 timber. Each block is 40mm high.

We then branded a O on the top and an X on the bottom of each block, using the oxy acetylene to heat up the brand.

Tools used:  try square, tenon saw, disc sander, drill press (to brand timber)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 4 - Attaching base & starting blocks

Cut a base of 3mm ply (183mm x 183mm)
Attach to bottom of box with glue and nails.

Sand edges of box on Big Boy belt sander, remove all pencil marks and fill any gaps you may have.
 Next step is to cut the blocks out of 42 x 42 timber. Cut 9 at 40mm long.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 3 - gluing it together

I glued the outside frame together, when it had dried, I glued the inside pieces into position as shown in the diagram.

This all worked well, it was lucky that we made the joints a little looser, as it became very tight when all 8 joints had to fit in at the same time.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 2 - make the inside pieces

This week I cut the 4 pieces that make up the boxes inside (they should be 171 long, but we made them fit specific joints, so they had to be marked, so we put them into the correct space.

We made 4 pieces the same, with the cross halving joint in the position shown.

The 4 pieces are fitted together as shown above and below.
This will then be glued and placed inside the frame we made last week.

Tools used:  tenon saw, chisel, mallet, marking gauge, disc sander

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 1 - Getting started

We are making a O's and X's box.
This week we drew the box to size in Google Sketch Up.
We then started to make the frame of the box, using finger joints. (see diagram below)

I got this far by the end of the week

I am pretty happy with how I have done so far, no real problems.

Tools used:

Try square, steel rule, tenon saw, marking gauge, chisel, mallet

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome to 2011

G'day Yr 9 woodwork
I will get you all to set up one of these blogs for a few reasons.

1.   to learn how to do it
2.   to find out how they might be useful elsewhere
3.   to use as a log to keep track of your work, this will help with doing step by step procedures, will remind you of what you have done and tools you have used to do certain parts and it will be very useful if you do woodwork in senior school, because you are required to keep a log of your major project work for the HSC
4.   you will also be able to see each others, and learn from each other.

Do you know what a BLOG is ?      It is a weB LOG.

More later.

Mr Dav