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Friday, June 24, 2011

Term 2 Week 9

It is finished. Here is how it came out.

Term 2 Week 8

I have put 2 coats of finish on this week, with a light sanding with wet and dry in between coats. This kept the finished job nice and smooth.

I am using this clear finish on my kitchen rack. It highlights the grain of the wood, but because it is water based, the brushes are easy to clean with water.

Term 2 Week 7

This week I sanded the whole job clean, removed all pencil marks and scratches using glass paper and a sanding cork.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Term 2 Week 6

I glued 2 pieces of 42 x 19 meranti together, this will be for my woodturning.
I then turned it as shown below, making sure the diameter would fit in my drilled holes.
This is how it looks now.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Term 2 Week 5

I have finished my drawer.
octagonal handle
I made an octagonal shaped handle (I planed the corners of a square piece) and just glued and clamped it in place.

Here is how it all looks together.
My last step is to do the turned piece.